Understand the Foundations of Nutrition and Unlock Your Potential!

Nutrition doesn't need to be so hard! Diets don't work...the key is understanding the language of food and how to build your nutrition around YOUR goals and the foods you enjoy so that healthy eating becomes sustainable. Learn the tools you need to create a positive and successful relationship with food that will yield the results you're after! 


This course will guide you step by step using video tutorials along side an e-book


Week 1

1- Building Healthy Eating Habits

2-What Is "Real" Food?

3-Sleep and Hydration - Diets Don't Happen In a Vacuum

Week 2

4-Understanding Macronutrients and Getting Enough Protein

Week 3

5-Calculating Macronutrient Ratios

6-How to Use a Macro Tracking App

Week 4

7-Execution, Consistency and Making Adjustments Long-Term

8-How to Know When to Make an Adjustment and "Cheat Meals"

Bonus-Supplements and Alcohol